All that Is

To commence with a little discovery fun, I’ll put forth a Premise:  We are part of an infinitely expanding collection of multidimensional thoughts.

Mere Intention to Receive, and one does

If a thoughtful thinker gives but a little focus to the above premise, a thought reaction can be expected to follow.  It will!  It aways does. The proof that a new thought is attracted requires but the least amount of attentive focus and a most intuitively obvious realization or thought is received.  It is the law!

Thought begets thought. The thoughtful (focusing) thinker might likely attract or compose a series of questioning thoughts, if desire is sufficient to muster but a little attention. 

Thoughts of interest come without effort. The mere decision to focus with a “detail seeking intention”,  or having a thoughtful dispositon, and many related thoughts, ideas and detail can be perceived. Indeed, thinking is the easiest thing we do. Nothing is more natural because the law of attraction always brings more thoughts to every thought provoking thought. It is the nature of all that is. 

Every thought we create with the intention of considering details is granted the receiving of detail discerning thought. It is: Ask and you shall receive; seek and ye shall find.

In deed, as detail intending thoughts go, such thoughts may be more accurately described as provocative intentions or mere intention. The mere intention to receive, and one does.

The thinker behind the thought

Where ever  we find a collection of thoughts, we must also find a creative thinker behind them.  The supposition reminds one of a common riddle posed to school children: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?  One must not get the cart before the horse or things won’t work the same.

All of these thoughts are related to the premise above presented.  With a little more thought and larger view of reality, it might be realized:  If all physical objects were first thoughts before they were manifest physically, then the chicken or the egg paradox is more easily resolved.

Perspective makes a difference.
Thought preceeds identification of physical objects

If one realizes that thought precedes all objective identification, then it is easy to imagine that they could have been recognized co-existing psychically in thought before they simultaneously appeared physically. 

That both were created at the same time seems a simple and intuitive possibility once one has the perspective, realization or belief that:  thought always precedes object identification. From there the realization follows: It may plasibly be the same with physical creation within our universe, especially when one considers the discoveries of Quantum physics and the effects of consciousness in the observation of matter. 

The Quantum Measurment Problem

Quantum physicists do NOT so much as believe consciousness forms material objects as that they have come to conclude and realize (Believe as Reality): consciousness affects their attempts to observe how quantum objects behave; whether they behave as energy or matter.  But from my perspective, that’s saying the same thing.

Quantum physics has ingeniously discovered that they can observe quantum particals before and after they appear objectively as particals of matter.  In this they recognize the only variable affecting the changes they observe is their very attempt to observe. That is; the introduction of a conscious observer in mid stream changed the behavior observed in the end.   The introduction of a conscious observer causes quanta to act objectively. Remove the mid-stream conscious observing and end results show non-object behavior.

All that is known was first thought.  It is also, last of all – Thought!  

While we may see an object with our eyes and believe we are observing the object physically, All that is  must be perceived and all that is perceived is in fact ONLY perceived through thought.  It is always thought because whether we are visually viewing a physical object or mentally viewing it with our eyes closed, the perception of any object is always still perception – a mental function.  Objective perception is but the conscious mental recognition of an object in thought.  All that is known to be real is first and last – always thought.

Whether our perception is of something physically in view or not. Perception, awareness and consciousness are the attributes of the thinker and not the attributes of the physical object.  All physical experiences begin and end with psychic or mental perception.  No physical object is experienced until the reality of it’s existence is first concluded or formed in thought.  Quantum Physics consistently demonstrates this scientifically even though physicists can NOT explain why or how.

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