Observer and Judge

I’m beginning a new practice suggested by a reader.  I am only now recognizing, I could benefit from listening to my own writing too.  Click to listen or download as MP3.

There’s more than just an observer to your personality. There’s also a judge that judges the value of all that is observed. The judge determines whether what is observed is of value or not. The judge determines whether what is interpreted of perception   is consistent with reality or not. The judge is constantly making decisions about reality and greatly affects the reality experienced.

The judge affects your attention and focus. Behind the judging are value beliefs. Value beliefs are decisions about beliefs. Value beliefs represent decisions previously made about the objects, event and concepts we hold true of reality.

Each value belief also has a ranking or magnitude belief associated with it. Ranking beliefs are like measurements that can be compared when considering alternatives. We could considered ranking beliefs as the factors ultimately assigned to each value belief in turn associated with each object, event or concept belief we hold true of reality.

Value beliefs could be considered the most basic of the beliefs we hold. They are the foundation for evaluation of experiences and indeed the very foundation for the psychological state we call happiness.

Based upon value beliefs regarding experiential stimulus consciously perceived, the judge within us decides whether or not our intellect will focus upon the same.  I use the term “consciously perceived” distinguishing it from intellectual awareness in that much of what is consciously perceived is never given conscious attention. Most stimulus is NOT decided valuable enough for rising to the surface of consciousness as an intellectually noticed event. Psychology refer to such as being held subconsciously or below the threashold of intensity for registering as conscious awareness or noticeable in the psyche of the conscious mind .

Values and ranking are so basic to the nature of our personalities that we consider them the essence of who we are and as the defining characteristics that identify our individual personalities. We consider them as the given facts of established reality without ever considering that they are just beliefs we’ve decided as value and ranking while forming the thousands of conclusions about reality that we call reality.

Values and ranking very much reflect our experience with others of our family and culture. All are determined directly and indirectly by how well they are perceived conducive to reward or punishment and ultimately to our relatively ranked adopted perceptions of lowly valued pain or highly valued pleasure. Cultural beliefs are the agreements about reality we hold with those in our environment. We find such so universally held valid, we heartily consider them unquestionable facts, but they are NOT!

Do they serve us?  Do we want to limit our attention and experience to the status quo of recognized reality and value?

What should we value?

What is the purpose of determining value and the relative ranking of one value over another?

Is there anything we should value and pursue  as the attainment of which would constitute success and a qualification for attaining a state of pleasure, joy or happiness?

Should anything in particular  be required as qualifying us for a state of pleasure, joy or happiness?

A Worthy Pursuit

I can conclude there is only one objective worthy of pursuit for which a higher degree of reward should be recognized for one degree of attainment over a lesser. That would be the very identification, attainment and recognition of greater quality or value to our beings’ existence; the experience of Greater value fulfilment in our being.

Experience of Greater Value Fulfillment

To affect our experience we must change what we are consciousness of. To change our consciousness, we must change the value beliefs that determine our focus. To change our value beliefs, we must change the ranking of that which we value. To change the ranking, we can intellectually decide or recognize that within the normally ignored experiential stimulus there exists greater potential for changing our experience than any focus we currently hold.

Recognize our impeccable selves

We need to decide to think outside the box, to search for new ideas and thoughts with every evaluative opportunity.

We need to recognize that value and ranking decisions are made predominantly by the subconscious. Subconscious decisions overwhelming predominate over those that are intellectually evaluated and consciously decided simply because when we do consciously reflect upon them, they are not being considered for change, but reflected upon as fact.

We need to discover the intellectual tools that we can use to affect our value and ranking beliefs used subconsciously.

Our conscious selves CAN AFFECT the outcome of subconscious evaluation just as they once certainly DID affect our subconsciously held beliefs.  We intellectually formed each belief that we today recognize and use in judging value and ranking.  We formed them the first time we consciously observed some tenant of reality and intellectually listened to our judging selfs’ pronouncement of value, rank and determined we had agreement.

We can question the values we consider as the nature of our personal values and ranking. We can question them each time we hear the judge within us decreeing its pronouncements of judgement.

We can form new more  empowering agreements.  We do have the wisdom to recognize disempowering value beliefs and replace them with empowering ones.

We can recognize the signs that indicate bad agreements and make new agreements to replace them. Not the least of most obvious are our personally held beliefs of fear and beliefs of limitation.

Of the first, we can recognize:

  • We are unlimited – Anything is possible, if you believe. Nothing is impossible!
  • There is NOTHING to fear – we will survive this physical existence no matter what!
  • Our beings actually exist in a larger reality that forms this physical reality experience from the subject psychological realities of our fuller conscious and subconscious selves.
  • Because our being exists psychologically in energy which can NOT be destroyed, once we exist psychologically, we can never cease to exist. In fact, like the sharing of an idea, a personality can exist vibrantly in many realities without diminishing the original.
  • Just as you can not imagine a reality in which you don’t exist, in Reality you can never cease being . You may be consciously unknown in some realities just as there are many individual personalities you do not know of consciously in yours.
  • The reality in which you are known will never cease, for it can not cease to be known by you. In your continual discoveries of value enhancing characteristics, you enrich and expand the value fulfilling aspects of past, present and future psychological experiences. The meaning and essence of the person you are in every moment continues to grow and changes in terms of true meaning to the multidimensional observer you actually are.
  • The reality in which you are known will never cease. What is known can never be unknown, for all that have ever held conscious knowledge of your being continue to retain your existence while forever expanding the essence of your being in terms of psychological reality whether their thoughts be of present, future, or past action events where you are known and they have psychologically active participation.
  • While we can imagine and focus upon pain and suffering, and we can imagine a devil or monster of destruction, we can not be destroyed or cease being. Devils or monsters capable of destruction do NOT exist!
  • We live in an infinitely expanding cooperative universe where God in the nature of all that is attracts and intensifies all that we recognize as value fulfilling and worthy of conscious observation and interactive experience.
  • Words are expressions of our intention to notice, see and focus attention. Our intentions determine what we attract and intensify for the propose of a more personal focused interaction.
    • We can choose to give voice ONLY to those intentions we desire to personally experience. Whether we speak of something observed in ourselves or observed in another, both such talk produces the same:  the greater observing and experiencing of such ‘something’ personally.
    • In the words of Miguel Ruiz,  “Be impeccable with your word”. Say nothing derogatory, demeaning or disparaging regarding the value of yourself or another. (See: The four agreements by Miguel Ruiz for a delightful alternative approach to understanding this topic)
    • Speak what you image wanting to experience as in fact already in your possession. That which is within your larger fuller reality, IS in fact, already, truly within your possession.

You have only to Believeit 2 Realizeit!


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