You create your own reality, there is no other way.

The following was written to a friends question on facebook.

Michael  K. writes:

I think Seth says that our experience is mediated by some grand council, framework 2, that examines our thoughts and presents our experience according to them.

You create your own reality, there is no other way.
You create what you believe – There is no other way.
You create your reality.  You decide what you focus upon. There is no other way.
You attract what you focus upon, decide what is real, believable, and you call it your reality. …  There is no other way.

Consciousness is the direction you choose to focus, the direction you give to your attention. Choose or intend a different direction of focus and you’ll be conscious of a different reality. Your believable intentions are what change your reality, they are the substance that you objectify in contemplating them with the objectifying part of your mind.

Where is Reality

Reality isn’t OUT there, it is in HERE (inside your heart and mind).  It is in your mind. It’s experienced in your inner-being, just as YOUR current experience of those OUTside events perceived OUT there are actually experienced INside. Your objective reality is deaf, dumb and blind to the only live being that’s important; the real YOU. You are more than your objective thinking intellectual self. In your inner (subjective) reality, your inner-self actually lives those experiences, in that portion of your full being and the fuller reality you normally intentionally ignore.

While you could objectify this self (and we all do in our own ways intellectually) as some “grand council, Framework 2”, what is important is the realization that you have a normally ignored part of yourself that will inspire you if you can just realize it and accept it.

You are born again when you expand your consciousness (accepting the grand council, if you like that metaphor) to realize your subjective reality contains the seeds of inspiration and creativity you want to experience and contemplate objectively with that objective thinking part of yourself.   You create a fuller reality by calling or looking for those experiences you can find believable. Look for them in the syncronicities of your experience and you’ll discover, know, realize and believe your physical reality is a reflection of the subjective. Your intention to see the syncronicities between subjective thought and objective events attract them to you.

Practical Application

If you’re going to call something the truth of reality, why do you keep calling it what you have?

Because you believe what you have is the reality of what you have. Because you form your beliefs of the objective events you focus upon. When you choose to limit what you observe to just what you can objectify, you really limit yourself to what ever comes along spilling over from previous creativity.

That is, when you choose to be conscious ONLY of that which you can consider in terms of objects: persons, places and things. You can ONLY form your reality of what is OUTside, independent and exclusive of your self.

But you can expand current realizations adding new objective experiences by expanding what you look for and therefore attract.

Work within the realm of the believable. Start with your last moment, or any moment point you want (even past or future). Reflect upon the probable directions events could unfold and the effects that would result. Decide to focus upon and look for the evidence of the probable ones you desire to experience in terms of what would bring the most value fulfilling improvement to yourself, including those where you are fulfilled in helping to lift others to greater value fulfilling lives.  As you do, you’ll SEE with your eyes that you do affect your reality, very much so.  It’s not what you see with the physical eyes, but what you see in your heart that affects what you see with those eyes.

Believe it 2 realize it!

PS: Keep it up!

You’re doing it all right! Just keep it up.  Right there in what you wrote; you’re working to objectify what you heard from Abraham and others. You’re doing what every one of us do; you’re holding an intention to find what you can believe and verbally objectify of that which you are attracting to yourself as thoughts.  Thats how the law of attraction works. You attract thought and from those thoughts you form reality.

Thoughts formed into questions ARE expressions of intention. Those type questions attracted others like Abraham, Seth and Lynda to yourself. Now, you’re working to form understandings and empowering beliefs from their thoughts expressed in their seminars and here on facebook.  Keep it up, keep looking for what makes what you want understandable and believable. Make a few more discoveries. Realize they are syncronicities and NOT co-incidences. You’re doing what we all working at.

This is what Seth’s and Abraham’s ideas have brought to me.
What you look for you’ll attract and find. They’ll change your beliefs, which will change your experiences of reality.


One thought on “You create your own reality, there is no other way.

  1. Realize It Post author

    Consciousness is the direction you choose to focus, the direction you give to your attention.
    • Choose or intend a different focus of attention and you’ll be conscious of a different perspective.
    • Change your pespective and you change your perception.
    • Change your perception and you expand your opportunities for realizing new understanding, new meaning.

    New realizations occur because new perceptions mean new references. It is from consistent references that we each form our conclusions or beliefs about reality. As with all realizations, new perspective realizations expand reality!

    • A changed reality means a change in experience.

    Yet, the new realizations are of the same events, the same ole stuff that all realities are made of, just packaged differently, perceived or objectified differently, or to use Seth’s metaphore; the different camoflauge in which energy vitality can be expressed.

    We change or materialize the camoflauge of reality each time we focus and envision an object metaphorically for better understanding.
    If you want to your metaphore for Framework 2 (Seth’s metaphore) to be a “Grand Council”, it is everybit as valid as my metaphore of an inner-self gestalt comprised of a myriad of individual consciousnesses which are a portion, layer or area of the being I call myself or of “all that is” when I remove the arbritrary boundary limitations of my reality.

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