Monthly Archives: September 2013

Moment Points and the Spacious Present

Moment points are related to action. Action is NOT what we typically think of in terms of movement of space position or a change in space location, rather true action refers to psychological change, a change that occurs psychologically and this type of change or psychological expansion is best recognized or measured in terms of value fulfillment and our beings consciously expanding in terms of discovering or acquiring greater value fulfilling insight.

Action occurs within the spacious present just as psychological time and moment points occur within it. “Psychological time” IS TIME yet far more robust than our “clock time”. In psych-time, or when one experiences psych-time, consciousness is enlarged or expanded. In psych-time one simply IS in a state of expanded consciousness, being more consciously aware of the eternity of thoughts which are ever expanding. Within clock-time, a moment ends when we cease giving attention to a thought and we call that contemplative thinking event a moment. Yet the entirety of our clock-time life is but a moment point in our fuller self’s reality.

“As physical beings your perception, your physical perception, is slowed down to a necessary but very extensive degree. The span of a whole man’s lifetime is no more than a moment point.”

“For the simultaneous nature of a given action is here experienced in a slow motion … This should lead you to understand why physical time is basically meaningless to the subconscious, and why the inner self has at its command a knowledge of past lives and past endeavors. For the inner self, dear friends, these lives are not in the past, nor is the life of the ego necessarily present to the whole self.”

In the true actuality within which we have our fuller being, thoughts can be followed forward and backward in psych-time. One can even return to follow the thoughts your ego might have observed yesterday. During todays psych-time moment,  we can follow one of the different various thought paths, one of those moments which yesterday were given only brief attention and consideration with the ego’s moments of reflection and contemplative thought.

Within true psych-time expanded consciousness, one can be conscious of an infinity of ego moment points and experience true action realizing incredible value fulfilling epiphanies the ego’s only beginning to contemplate.

Ask and you will Receive

What is truly exciting about all this is that when our ego self accepts the existence of his greater self within and asks to be enlightened by its’ greater awareness and understanding, the ego IS informed. The ego intellect has only to ask and believe to receive the same insight, inspiration and creative value fulfilling realizations the inner-self experiences routinely when so directed by ego’s intention.

“There is much to be explained along many lines which we have only begun to touch upon, for all things are correlated. There is indeed a correlation between our moment points, of which I have spoken, and our spacious present, and that portion of the whole self which you call the  subconscious.

We are dealing here principally with the essence  of action and essentially all apparent divisions are arbitrary, for the sake of explanation. The moment point is itself arbitrary, an artificial division. The moment point for you is actually composed of the amount of action which you are capable of assimilating within your present framework, for the moment point is indeed a portion of the spacious present.

 … In relationship to action and moment points, the ego is indeed that portion of the self that stands at the apex of the moment point, and is limited by the moment point. The ego in this context is the portion of the self which is utterly focused upon, and imprisoned by, the moment point. ….

The subconscious is not so limited. If you consider the ego at the apex of the moment point and imprisoned within the realm of its own before-and-after, cause-and-effect experience, then you can imagine the subconscious reaching further outward, and seizing upon many other moment points. … the ego is that part of the self which is plunged into a specific and intense preoccupation with a given field of action or dimension.

… for while there is no real past or present or future within the spacious present, there is indeed an infinity of inward and outward: and again of actions within actions. There is no end to these actions since they are self-generating. The other portions of the inner self reach then even further in all directions, and they therefore envelop many moment points. To many portions of the inner self what you call one moment would correspond to an almost limitless number of moments, for even physical time has no meaning without experience, and without action.
… Now you will see what I meant when I spoke of the limitless self, for the whole self is not so bound. The whole self could and does perceive a limitless number of such moment points simultaneously.” The Coming of Seth, Ch. 9 Pg. 146-149 (quoting Seth).  Compare with Seth Early Sessions 151.

One only need to believe it to realize it.  The evidence of belief is action.

Supplemental Notes

Session 149 & 150 also provided key detail for understanding Time differences and Seth’s concept of the “moment point”:

• The whole Universe expands an idea expands, in ways that have nothing to do
with space …
There [are] therefore possible bursts of developments, that
have matured within perspectives that are not bound up in time, and that would
appear spontaneous to the waking self But these developments, nevertheless, are
the results of actions that occur in many perspectives at once, and not
developments that occur as within the physical system, through actions that
happen in a series seemingly strung out moment after moment.

Now basically even the physical universe itself is so constructed, but for all
practical purposes, as far as general perception and experience is concerned,
time and the physical growth development apply, so that we find the ego portion,
particularly of the human personality, is to a large extent dependent for its
maturity and development upon the amount of time that the phys’ . spent within
the system. A certain portion of physical growth, in terms of a series of
physical moments, is therefore necessary for value fulfillment to show itself
within a physical organism. Within the dream field and within many other
systems, this series of moments is unknown. Development comes not from a series
of actions strung out along a single line, one before the other in lengthwise
fashion. Instead development is largely a matter of value fulfillment, which is
achieved through the perspectives of action, through traveling within any given
action, and following it and changing with it. To make this clearer, I have
said that action exists within limitless perspectives, and that you are mainly
familiar with it as it is materialized along a single line of continuity within
the physical system. You experience action then as if you were moving along a
single line, each dot on the line representing a moment of your time. But at the
imaginary point on your line that represents any given moment, action moves out
in all directions. From the standpoint of that moment point, you could imagine
action forming an imaginary circle with that point as an apex. But this happens
at the point of every moment. There is no particular boundary to the circle. It
widens outward indefinitely. Now. In the dream universe, in all systems of
such nature, development is achieved not by traveling your single line, but by
delving into that point that you call a moment. The physical laws simply do not
apply here, within such a value fulfillment system. Basically your own physical
universe is at the apex of such a system itself, and it is only because of the
purpose and nature of the particular apex that experience appears, from my
viewpoint, to be so slowed down. The particular point, in one manner, is being
pursued by you in such a slow fashion that it appears to be a series of
happenings strung out in a thread of continuity. You experience action as one
happening after another, not because of the nature of action itself but because
of the nature of your own structure and perception. This is in itself, you see,
a form of value fulfillment, since you are perceiving one simultaneous action
as if it were a series of separate actions. You are delving into one action, and
within it continually creating action within action. This is however, or this
can be, while fulfilling, also limiting.

Jane made a quick drawing of the concept she received tonight. I helped her as
much as I could from her description of it. It should be stressed that often
Jane finds these experiences difficult to put into words, let alone onto paper.
What she “said” she said, was an approximation of a mental diagram involving a
circular string. Closely paralleling Seth’s description on page 5, there would
be a series of dots on the circle. Each dot would be intersected by another
circle, with dots upon this, and each of these dots in turn would be
intersected, etc., so that there could be an infinity of expansions. If time
permits I will try to make a more finished drawing of this idea. Jane’s voice
remained strong until the end of the session.

(For some material on travel through concepts and impulses and time, see ses-
sions 131 and 135.)

And Here I’m posting the session 150-151 which was the source for the excerpts of substance found in Chapter nine “The Coming of Seth”.

Session 150:

Now. We will endeavor to continue speaking of some matters discussed in
our previous session. A moment point basically consists not of any particular
given time division, but is within your system a convenient term that expresses
or represents the range of reality that can be conveniently embraced without
undue strain.
Within what you call one moment, many such perceptions flash through
to affect any given individual. However there is within your system a lapse
before the organism can effectively organize these perceptions. My idea of a
moment point is only an approximation of your physical moment. I am trying
to make it plain here that the range of action is what is important. A moment
point is a range of action.
All realities are the result of psychic organizations. All time structures
within them represent the range of action which can be conveniently perceived.

Session 151 (“Good evening, Seth. “) There is much to be explained along many
lines which we have only begun to touch upon, for all things are correlated; and
there is indeed a correlation between our moment points of which we have
spoken, the spacious present, and that portion of the whole self which you call
the subconscious. We are dealing here principally, and in the main, with the
essence of action, and essentially all apparent divisions are arbitrary for the
sake of explanation. The moment point is in itself arbitrary, an artificial
division. As we have said, the moment point for you is actually composed of the
amount of action which you are capable of assimilating within your present
framework, for the moment point is indeed a portion of the spacious present.
(For a more graphic interpretation of what a moment point might be, see Jane’s
description of the concept she received from Seth in the 149th session.) The
subconscious, and in fact all portions of the self with the exception of the
ego, are capable of assimilating a wider area, so to speak, of action. Therefore
to these other portions of the self, time has a much different essence than it
has for the ego. The ego is indeed many things. It can be defined in
relationship to many other aspects of reality. In relationship to action, and
moment points, the ego is indeed that portion of the self which stands at the
apex of the moment point, and is limited by the moment point. The ego is in this
context the portion of the self which is utterly focused upon, and imprisoned
by, the moment Point. The ego is that portion of the self which experiences time
as continuity, and to whom experience is a series of stimuli and responses
carried on one after another. And yet this is in itself a division, so to speak,
or a kind of value fulfillment, for the simultaneous nature of a given action
is here experienced in slow motion, as a child must learn to walk before the
child can run. The subconscious however is not so limited. If you consider the
ego at the apex of the moment point, and imprisoned therefore within the realm
of its own before-and-after, cause-and-effect experience, then you can imagine
the subconscious reaching further outward and seizing upon many other moment
points. It should be easy to see then why the focus of the ego is so sharp and
brilliant. Within its limited scope there is intensity of stimuli and response.
Indeed, the ego is that portion of the personality which is plunged into a
specific and intense preoccupation with a given field of action or dimension.
The subconscious, reaching outward, reaches also inward. For while there is no
real past or present or future within the spacious present, there is indeed an
infinity of inward and outward; and again, of actions within actions, and there is no end to
these actions for they are self-generating. The other portions of the inner self
reach then even further in all directions, an envelop many moment points. To
many portions of the inner self then, what you would call a moment would
correspond to an almost limitless number of moments, for even physical time has
no meaning without experience without action. Your whole concept of time is built
about your own capacity for perceiving action; as this capacity for perceiving
action grows, so indeed do the dimensions of time grow. Conceivably therefore
one moment of your time would indeed be experienced by the whole self as
centuries. This should lead you to understand why physical time is basically
meaningless to the subconscious, and why the inner self has at its command a
knowledge of past lives and past endeavors; for the inner self, dear friends,
these lives are not in the past, nor is the life of the ego necessarily present
to the whole self. For to the whole self all personalities that compose it exist
simultaneously, and personalities that would appear to you as future
personalities are experienced by the whole self in the same dimension as it
experiences personalities that you would call past personalities. For all your
ideas of time are illusion, not merely philosophical illusions, but delusions as
far as any basic reality is concerned. It is only the ego that steps from moment
to moment, as a man who walks from puddle to puddle. It is only the ego who
drowns in time. Therefore, since only the ego is momentarily imprisoned within
the focus of your plane, it is only the ego who probes so slowly into
simultaneous action, perceiving it bit by bit and sip by sip. So now you will
see what I meant when I spoke about the limitless self, for the whole self is
not so bound. The whole self could and does perceive a limitless number of such
moment points simultaneously. And now hear this: The whole self not only
perceives these limitless moment points, but being a part of action, each whole
self projects fragments and personalities from itself to all these points,
creating therefore other egos, other intense focus points which are independent,
which work out their own destinies and experiences, which in turn perceive any
given moment point in slow motion. I now suggest your break. It must be stressed
that there are no sharp boundaries, however, between the various portions of the
whole self. There are shadings and variations and that is all. The inner ego is
that part of the inner self which is closely allied with the outer ego, in that
it is to some degree a director of function and activity. But it is not sharply
focused. It looks inward. Here we run into some language difficulty. The inner
ego looks inward, yet in looking inward it looks outward toward those vast
portions of the self. Because there is always action within action, and because
of the three dilemmas of which we have spoken earlier, the new personalities
projected outward into other fields of perception, or other moment points, these
other personalities in turn create new ones, and the cycle is again repeated.
Time, physical matter, these are but portions of action as perceived in one
particular fashion. The basic stuff, or the basic action of the universe, is
one. It is perceived differently, and therefore reality constantly wears a
different face. It is speeded up or slowed down according to the scope of
perception. (It might be interesting to note here that Seth began talking about
action in the 13th session, January 6, 1964: “Love and hate, for example, are
action, ” and “ln your plane, action is the main word of importance, ” etc. See
Volume 1, page 71. (See the 138th and 141 st sessions for material on the three
creative dilemmas.)

It is almost impossible to explain clearly, through the use of words, this massive complexity, for all fields of activity are self-generating. Even the dream field is self-generating. No consciousness can bring itself to destruction. It can only cease experiencing a certain portion of
action. This is a rather important point.

The multiplicity of human experience would be impossible were it not for the inner self, and for the heritage that speaks through the cells of every human being. The perspectives and psychic relationships that make up the human personality simply could not have resulted

through action within your field alone. It cannot be stressed too strongly that
experience within the self can lead to at least some understanding of the nature
of action in its pure form, for within your physical universe action is to some
extent frozen, insofar as your perceptions of it are concerned. Yet within your
own psychological experience you can perceive its fluid nature. The material
that I have given you concerning the three dilemmas will be most helpful here.
There is much that you simply cannot perceive at this point. There is much that
mankind as such will never learn, simply because such knowledge is beyond the
reach of the ego. But there is much that you do not know that you can learn. …

Art often appears timeless to the ego because it often merges within it a
greater number of moment points than the ego can ordinarily perceive. In such
cases the artist captures the dominant essence, and through the energy which he
has given the art, it then makes such an effect upon the ego, which could not
ordinarily perceive so much. …

Now. Each moment point is a field or dimension.
You perceive certain very limited aspects of a given number of such moment
points. The same moment points may simultaneously be experienced in an entirely
different fashion, and to a different set of perceptions. These moment points
would appear quite different than they appear to you. There is a delicate
connection here with the dream universe that is some-what difficult to explain.
The dream universe, however, pervades many other fields. It does not exist
outside or apart from your own universe, but simultaneously with it. It
appears, and is a reality, to all aspects or portions of the self, and often it
is only within the dream universe that the personality can change focus easily
or efficiently enough so that he can perceive the variety of roles that he
himself has played. I mentioned the chemical relationship between your universe
and the dream universe. There are like relationships of one kind or another that
tie together all fields and systems, from the largest to the most minute. The
freedom of the inner self, then, is never determined by time as you know it. It
is determined by time as you do not know it. There are such manipulations within
various systems that change other systems. Your own behavior and action within
the dream universe definitely affects the physical universe. From one field of
activity then you have changed another, and without ever knowing, in many cases,
that you have done so. In the same manner do the activities of the physical
universe alter the dream system. It is virtually impossible for me to explain
all these inner workings. We will have to wait until you can experience concepts
for much of that.

These moment points may, for simplicity’s sake, also be
thought of as reference points from one system to another. Do you see now a
connection here with camouflage, as explained in early sessions? (“Yes. ‘) The
moment point will be seen as camouflage, which simply means that it will be
perceived differently according to the perceptors. Definitions have little
meaning unless they are related to other issues. For that reason I will try
whenever possible to relate terms with which you are familiar in ways so that
their relationships will be clearly seen.

There will be much more here also
concerning moment points and value fulfillment. For this, value fulfillment, is
the reason behind the existence of all systems, and of all experience within
your field. I mentioned that value fulfillment seems, and is to some small
degree, dependent upon time as you know it, but this merely reflects upon the
manner in which you perceive time, and in no way alters the simultaneous nature
of value fulfillment, which grows in dimension but is not dependent upon time
as you know it. Once more I suggest a brief break, and I will continue-with of
course your permiSSIOn. (Break at 10:38. Jane was dissociated as usual. Her
voice was not as strong, now, as it had been, yet was still above her usual
volume. She resumed in the same manner, with few pauses, at 10:46.) I will
shortly close the session. I believe I should once again suggest, Joseph, a
daily short walk for you. Such suggestions may appear trivial, yet they are not,
and will prove most beneficial. There is indeed a value fulfillment within the
enjoyment of nature that can release you from many restraints. Inner action, in
terms of psychological reality, is every bit as important as physical action;
more important. It would be most unfortunate if either or both of you let
physical action on the part of others stand in the way of beneficial action on
your own parts. (I assume this statement refers to my getting upset this evening
by the actions of our neighbors. I realized their actions were trivial yet also
felt they were thoughtless. From talking to Jane, I gathered she felt we should
watch our reactions to others, so I let it pass. Still I admitted that I was
upset.) There must, or should be, particularly in this. season, an acquiescence
toward growth and release in general, and this can be triggered, though such
triggering should not, ideally, be necessary to the enjoyment of nature. For
nature is fluid. It is fluent. It is ever responsive, and it does not set up
barriers. The experiments that you have done in projection were most beneficial
to you in the past. Throw your consciousness outward into nature, and your
inwardness will be replenished. The power and necessity to feel is a strong
neces- sity within all planes. I have never suggested to you that you close off
from this. When all your sensitivity is directed into sensations of misgiving,
then however the balance is wrong. Spontaneity of feeling will almost
automatically allow you greater freedom, increased mental and physical health;
and balance will then be very well maintained. I tell you that you are indeed
headed for more comfortable times, but this does not mean that there is not very
much within your own daily life now to be thankful for. Spontaneity will open
many doors. I am speaking of emotional spontanelty. There is much more that I
could say to you now concerning this, but I will not. Do not refuse those joys
that are available to you. You have nothing to make up for now, in this respect.
I will close because you are, I believe, somewhat tired. But because I am your
friend, pay heed to what I say. My fondest regards to you both. You must be
open, even to maintain the strength of the ego itself. But when you are not
open, not only are you imprisoned by the moment, but you are not able to enjoy
even that fully. If I speak sternly, it is merely as a precaution. You know that
I am fond of you both. (“Good night, Seth.”)