Monthly Archives: June 2012

Test, Test, Testing, This is only a test …

This is only a test of the test, had this been the real test you would have been instructed where and how to proceed.

Now where did I put those instructions? Can anyone help me find the instructions? 

Where are the instructions, those directions, the hows and whys, the life guides that accompany all the authentic and genuine articles that accompany the test that’s supposed to get us ready for the “real” reality?

Aren’t there any rules or damned instructions with this thing!    @#$%^&*(QWERTmyhatilostmyhat!%^&


iFractal Artwork  ©  Leah McNeir, 2009Contact and Purchase at:

Recognize it, Believe it, Realize it

Realize it, Recognize it, Believe it

Believe it, Realize it, Recognize it

Most Experience, Recognize, Decide, Realize, Believe

Can you – Desire, Decide, Recognize, Believe, Realize, Experience

In Creation, these Start with one focused intension: Recognize and Realize

For Desirable Creation add desire

What will you realize today?