Monthly Archives: June 2010

Dream Inspiration

I am doing dream work, I log entries in my journal that record the details.

I have found dream inspiration is available if my desire has sufficient intesity as to manifest in energized action.

  • When I am willing to focus my intentions before going asleep and willing to focus intention to remember upon rising, I have dreams almost every night.
  • When I am willing to identify a question and focus upon it before going asleep, and willing to focus intention to examine my dream in the morning, I have dreams in response to my questions (prayers). 
  • When I am too tired (or lazy), I don’t.

Can a belief that one is tired be more clearly pronounced than with the retiring statement: “I am too tired to focus”?

Could evidence that our beliefs affect our reality be any more evident than with dreams. Do you believe you dream?

Your experience is in your hands – what will you choose to believe and energyize with sufficient conviction that action occurs.

What is conviction but a choice to focus and follow through with a thought until it becomes the truth of your reality? 

Where is the energy to sustain this focus? 

Follow your passion!  It is God’s gift for the fulfillment of destiny.   Think about it!  Believe it!  Realize it!