Monthly Archives: April 2010

Responsibility and Fun

What is responsibility?  Seth says that when we feel a burden of responsibility, we hold a belief that keeps us from thriving; If the cells of our foot were as concerned about fulfilling responsibilities as we are concerned for ours, we couldn’t walk!  That’s sounds pretty pathetic. Our beliefs of responsibility is crippling.

Jesus was quoted as having said: never do anything you hate.  If so, most christians should probably doubt anything of a christian reward.

Seth says we should take a little time and contemplate our feelings toward “Responsibility” and  “Fun“.  Hope to realize how extensive your beliefs on “responsiblity” truly limit you.  Contemplating  fun, in contrast, we hope to recognize where true power and creativity are cultivated.

Responsibility is attitude of obligation

We all want to act responsibly; act with due dilligence, respect and regard to what is important. But for most, the word “responsibility” is connected with “Obligation”. Obligation is almost never connected with free and easy. Rather, for most, it carries a connotation of having to do something. Responsibility is an attittude of obligation or belief that one must perform or provide some service often unwillingly.

Responsibility is a limitation to freedom

Responsibility is often seen as a limitation when we hold the view that our limited resources are required spent toward fulfilling some obligation. 

Responsibilities are limitations reflecting beliefs we have obligations setting boundaries or limits tying us to satisfying the obligation.
Some Limitations associated with responsibility are:

  • Beliefs that WE ARE LIMITED in some regard ;
  • Beliefs that we are less than fully potent, powerful or effective in obtaining all our desires. 
  • Beliefs about our being vulnerable and limited in our ability to prevail against an attack or loss of something valued. 
  • Beliefs that some object can affect us and the things we value
  • Beliefs about how we get what we want: being limited
  • Beliefs about how we protect what we have: being limited
  • Obviously, in the extreme, limitations would be any belief we are less than omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient.

What do we sacrifice to the limitation of responsibility?  What do we sacrifice to hold  a job or to work doing something we don’t want to do.  How successful is labor toward obtaining money and what it buys of our desires?

To the contrary

If we were to understand our true nature; our being connected and part of “All that is”, we might rest a little more easy about how easy it is for anyone like us that is fully integrated with “All that is”.

The true power of creativity does NOT appear when we strain, toil or labor to get something. It comes freely because such is the nature of “All that is”.

Try to force a vision of anything. Try it now!  When I say three, following the count of one and two, TRY to imagine an airplane.   Wait, you were supposed to wait till I counted to three. You didn’t get ahead and already see it, did you? 
Ok, now do NOT see this image until I have counted this time. Then, and ONLY then, see it immediately on the count of three.  OK – One, two, three.

Were you able to see it exactly on the count of three and not sooner or later? Now imagine doing this exercise with something else. Until you have fun with it, you will NOT be very successful.  We had entirely too much fun on the above. Pretending is fun! Learning is fun! Life and providing our desires should be the same.

You tell me some thing that doesn’t come easy till you make it fun?  Remember your mom or dad trying to teach you something you didn’t want to do because you thought you couldn’t do it and how hard it was trying to cooperate with their demands and possibly even raised voice and threats?

Remember feeling responsible to provide a car, house and groceries for your family without having a job? How successful were you at being creative when captivated by the threat of responsibility?  How creative do you feel in those regards even today?  How responsibile do you feel about it.  Is there some connection?  Can you just let it go and accept that you are the problem maker not the problem solver?

Help me here. Give me your ideas?  What evidences do we have that creativity accompanies fun?  Any evidence it follows hard toilsome work?  I propose action without fun is quite impotent!

Learn to have fun and you’ll be more creative. Believe it! Realize it!