Monthly Archives: January 2010

Reasoning and Imagination

Thoughts become things… choose the good ones! ®
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Who would have thought so many people would know the power behind thought.

Our thoughts arrive in two major forms:
1) Logically reasoned, formed by our rational intellectual self, and
2) Imagined and intuitively inspired, formed by our connected inner self.

Both reflect the incredible creativity of our beings. But the two are miles apart in comparison. The differences are in their source. But more about that later.

   You can use your intellectual rational mind to recall events from memory. You can even see those events within your mind’s eye long after the events have occurred.

   But, it is very hard for this mind to see a picture that did not originate with some memory of events experienced. Your rational mind can see your mother, but probably NOT see your Great grand mother 4 generations back. Much easier however, this mind loves to make comparisons and form conclusions about todays events compared with memories of other; you can easily remember how much better coke is than pepsi or how much you perfer nice sunny days of last week over the storm of today.  

   With your imagination however, you can see almost anything. With imagination you can see places you have never been, people you have never met and doing things you have never experienced. With the imagination you can scare yourself or provide a party of delight to rival the most spectular theme park.

   The two are so different, you’d think one would never confuse which to use for a) identifying the good life you want to pursue, and which to use b) in solving lifes problems ( those challenges encountered in the pursuit of the good life ). 

    One may think the lines are clearly drawn. 1 = a and 2 = b. Use 1) reasoning to identify the good life then use 2) imagination to obtain it. But for most, it hasn’t seemed to work quite so simply. No sooner do you decide a preferenced disposition and begin the journey to enjoying it, there seems to be discovered other events and objects which the rational mind identifies as obstacles.

    Of course an obstacle is just another opportunity for the rational mind to discern a preferened disposition. So … before long we have these huge lists of things we like and dislike; thing that we may label good and bad or even holy and evil if we want to play the game that there is more power aligned with holy vs evil.  Before long all we’re doing is creating piles and piles of categorized data and we’ve done nothing toward enjoying those preferences identified.  

   In spite of the difficulties imagination struggles with to be heard, imagination does show itself, even if only in how we identify our piles of good and bad and making them Holy and Evil.   

    For most, imagination was the childish characteristic to be over come by entrainment; the entrainment which masqaraded as education. We were trained to “mind”; ie, to keep our mind on the rational.  Trained to focus only on what the intellect can logically discern. Trained to ignore imagination. 

   Our failures to incorporate imagination has left us with piles of junk instead of the “good life” we came to enjoy.  It has left us without a need for and connection with the source of imagination. A slave would NEVER imagine rising up against the master that had also enslaved the imagination.  Imagination deserves so much more attention, which we’ll take up in a subsequent log.