Know yourself

Do you truly know yourself? 

  • Do you know who it is that breathes the breaths you take? 
  • Do you know who it is that dreams the dreams you observe?
  • Who moves your legs when you decide to walk into the other room?

Do we really know ourselves, if we don’t know how we do these things as clearly as we know we think?

You may believe you know you think.  But do you know where your thoughts come from?

Do you know where your emotional feelings originate?  Do you really?

They originate from within and can be known to us. However, it is most easier to recognize the communications that come from within before trying to recognize the part of ourselves that carries out the acts of breathing and walkingDreaming, thoughts and emotional sensing all represent forms of communication we receive from our inner being. There is much more to the whole being that what most of us readily recognize.

 Emotions: Communications of Experience Quality

One may say;   My lover left me and now I am sad,  I am sad because my lover left me.  Sadness is an  emotional sensation that is physically sensed.  It is a form of communication.  It is communication of the quality of the experience we’ve become aware.

But first let’s address: where do the emotional feelings come from?  Do they emanate from the lover that left us, kind of like how we feel the warmth of the kitchen stove radiating to our bodies as we stand near by?  No, emotional feelings are NOT radiated from an external source; We can catch sadness just by reading the note our lover left behind for us to find.   They are not conducted nor inducted either.  

Furthermore,  emotions do NOT come from our lover spiritually or mentally either. We might have gone a full week without discovering the bad news letter and not felt the sadness until we found the note and obtained awareness of the departing event.  The timing of the parting event is immaterial to the emotional sensing. Emotional sensing is a function of our awareness; it is a characteristic of our conscious awareness.

 Two perceptional factors always accompany awareness

An emotional sensing is always triggered by an event! More accurately, it is always triggered by our becoming AWARE of some event.  The triggering event is awareness of some …… event.  Awareness is purely within the domain of spirit or mind. While it is may accompany sensing of an external event, it is always a mind event that affects our emotions and never until.

 The two primary mental factors that influence the quality of the emotional experience are:  

  1. The sum total accumulation of all our desires, wants and preferences; purely subjective, it is our point of view; true to the reality from our perspective.
  2. Our Interpretation of the event as conforming or non-conforming to the first factor. Again, this is purely our point of view as we interpret reality from our perspective.

If out interpretation conforms, we are happy. If it does NOT conform we are less so. 

Emotions are experienced in response to our becoming aware of some event and our perception of the event quality. Event Quality is relative;  Quality is relative to our standard or standards. In the case of emotional experience, the standard of quality  is defined as the sum total accumulation of all OUR desires, wants and preferences.  

Our inner being has a perfect memory,  it has heard everything we ever identified as desirable, preferred or better, according to our own personal subjective perspective.   Perception is completely subjective and each person individually forms that perspective from the sum total of all experiences ever contemplated as preferred, better or desirable within her own personal view of reality.   Once you define a true, real, or actual preference, you care!   It is that simple; a standard has been defined. 


When you care, you value something. Emotions tell if the focus of awareness is upon something you care about; is your focus on a conforming or non-conforming event relative to something of value you care about .  If the event is perceived as a quality event, we feel a quality experience or joyful emotion. If the event is perceived as non-conforming event, we perceive a poor experience indicated by a poor or painful emotion.  These feelings only appear when we care about the subject matter.

Extreme Aspects

Two more aspects affect  the extremes of emotional response; imminency and certainty  of our convictions.  If we on the verge of receiving and we are certain ( intensity of belief) we have our precious “valued”, we’re elated.  If we are certain we will never possess our “precious”, we feel hopeless, despair and depression.

Origins of emotions

It should be obvious our emotions emote in response to our mind’s awareness. So long as we understand the message of our emotions, it matters little if we recognize our emotions are coming from our inner being (God, Holy Spirit, or Abraham) or mistakenly think our emotions are external (god, a holy ghost, or Abraham) responses.  The practical aspect of emotion is: emotions communicate where your current thoughts lie relative to your minds desires;  Is your conscious focus upon something you desire or not? If you’re focused on something threatening your valued, it doesn’t feel good. You don’t want to attract more of it you need to focus upon what you do want.  You will know properly switched focus when you feel better.  You can do this immediately anytime you become aware you are mis-creating and attracting what you don’t want.  If for no other reason, you should switch your focus just because it feels better.

Matter how we feel?

Does it really matter if we feel good or bad?  The answer is certainly clear in regard to the law of attraction. As goes our thinking, so goes our experience. We know that we attract what we focus upon. First in thought then in experience.  So we should be careful about what thoughts occupy our primary disposition. What is our normal point of view? It is that which we give the most constant focus.

One the other hand, since we all desire happiness and feeling good, do we need to go any further in deciding if it matters what we are feeling?  Of course it does feel better to switch away from painful emotional thoughts! Happiness, which only comes with predominantly good feeling thoughts, is be the primary objective for our life’s experience. Shouldn’t it be the rule for determining where you place your awareness, where you place your thought focus?  Your emotions were provided for no other purpose.

The emotions are the clearest most accurate communication we have for whether or NOT we are living what we want and attracting what we want .  The emotions are the measure of success. Every success is measured by the happiness it ultimately brings. 

Events may come, and events may go. We have constant feedback enabling us to immediately detect if we are focused upon what we want or not.  Emotions communicate that we ARE thinking what we were meant to think. 
Decide to always focus on what feels good and we enjoy life …. oh and an added bonus: we attract more of it.  Believe it! Realize it!


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