Cognition and The 3 Dilemmas

The Attractive power of interesting events

I’ve always been interested in understanding belief and faith (better called energized expectation in todays’ society).  I find the most subtle of clues appear with each new event observed.  It is the same whether the event is one experienced on the street or found in a book. When a clue is followed up with contemplation,  I am find myself being filled with new ideas, recognitions and realizations. With each new event and the last realization, we soon recognize we have what appears to be an unending chain of reality expansion.

Expectation – Originates from Resonating Agreement of 2 Primary Beliefs

As some like to remind us, Seth does NOT talk much on vibration and or resonance. Yet he certainly shares the seeds that initiate one into a search for deeper understanding of such. Seth speaks of recognizing your inner tones very early in Seth Speaks and serves up quite a few comments about how the ancients accomplished great things with inaudible sound even to the physical moving of huge stones as with the construction of pyramids.
He also speaks quite a lot of the power of expectation and emotion in Early Sessions (ES), The Nature of Personal Reality (NPR) and much of his material.

Seth speaks much of electricity and that our identities exist electronically within an electrical universe and of a nature that could be compared to a reflective result.
ES3: Session 136, Pg 277

Ideas are thoughts are energy

“Action, the very action of transmission, alters the nature , the electrical reality of the thought itself. This is an extremely important point.” … “Action is valid whether the act is conscious and voluntary, or whether it occurs within a dream or within a thought.” … “Action is basically electrical …” ES3: Session 137, Pg 282

Ideas are thoughts existing within an electrical reality that are attracted according to our interest and desire to know or understand what we observe. But of course, we tend to find and observe ONLY what we’re looking for and wondering about. With each new thought, we find intriguing new interests and then we find or become consciously aware of new material related to what we were interested in before we found the most recent.

Each new thought discovered brings new questions and new thoughts. Indeed thoughts have an electro-magnetic nature and we also understand so do our physical bodies. Is there really a difference between the thoughts we subjectively experience and the physically objectified body that we construct to sense those mental constructions?

Even this thought causes a new though and I am given to wonder … which is the cart and which is the horse? Were we first looking for something or did we first observe something that caused us us to question its meaning and search for something that would bring understanding?

It seems our only input to the process of seeking and finding is the choice of which direction shall we focus upon in the quest to find an answer to our next question. We are the ones that decide what we desire to look upon next?  Are we really the ones that decide the direction to focus our attention?  Or do we simply attract what we desire to find and then decide if we want to consciously look upon it or ignore it?

Consciousness is our direction of focus

Seth reveals a very telling tale when he simply mentions: Consciousness is merely our direction of focus  … the direction we focus our awareness (or the direction we give our attention) IS what determines what we are conscious of. Our choice of directed awareness determines what we observe and therefore our consciousness. By determining what we observe, our direction of awareness determines the extent of our consciousness, the extent to which we are conscious.

Our unique identity is determined according to our consciousness.  The foundational structures upon which we experience personal reality are set the moment we decide the direction to give our attentive focus. Personal reality begins to take form: 1) according to our focusing upon what we desire to find, and 2) according to what was attracted as found and given attention, as we began to think about what we desired to find.

From every though about what we are observing or focusing upon, we increase the scope of what is observed and expand the reality of which we identify. Once we become conscious, or decide a direction of focus, we have commenced the path of unique identification that we will forever refer to as our “self” as it begins the unending chain of identifications, realizations and changes that become the value fulfillment seeking individual beings we are.

“In line with the statement that action necessarily changes that which it acts upon (which basically itself), then it follows that the action involved in these sessions changes the nature of the sessions”. Seth ES3: Session 138, Pg 290.

This observing action is a dimension of existence. It is a dimension rising out of the observing action that changes reality with every observing act.  (ES3 137, 138)

We have been observing our interest and we have been in that same act attempting observation of what we call our self ever since the first moment we recognized consciousness.

Dilemmas – Cognition and Recognition

I believe this is part of what the 3 dilemmas are about. They alluded to the origin of an unending stream of failed recognition attempts that essentially provide us with an unlimited supply of events with each attempt to recognize, realize and express what we observe.

“No action basically is ever completed” …”Where strong intensities are felt, then the actuality will be said to project within the field of reality which falls within the range of that particular group. … Such Electrical realities then, through the strength of their intensities and their particular range, are projected into some fields, but not projected into others. … not impossible for the inner self, which as you know has its own electrical reality, which is again composed of particular impulses and intensities.”
ES3: Session 135, Pg 274)

Can you cognate (be cognizant in an observation) and follow it up with a perfectly reflective contemplation or recognition? It’s a dilemma that we seem destined to repeat but never complete. Re-Cognition is an attempt to repeat the initial cognitive event.

The very act of trying to repeat or express a cognitive event adds changes that expand the original event, so that our best attempt to re-cognize always falls short or incomplete. With each such incomplete recognition brings a new realization, and with each new realization we have a new belief or change in reality (the sum of all our beliefs about it).

I believe these are what Seth alludes to as capsule comprehensions and how that as we attempt to close off or encapsulated a cognitive thought and express or reproduce it, we are faced with the dilemma: we can not comprehend, recognize or express a thought without changing what was initially observed. With each attempt to encapsulate and comprehend a perfect reproduction of an initial realization, we recognize that its meaning changes or expands from the original. Each attempt at comprehending what we seek to encapsulate and reproduce is met with a dilemma of it changing in the process. The very act of meaningful comprehension or the act of forming a realization of meaning causes what we attempt to encapsulate to be enlarged and expanded.

Reality is a mental construction

Reality is nothing more than being cognizant in an observation and realizing it (making it real) through the recognition deciding action we call realization. We recognize details and characteristics with the cognitive action and then with a deciding action, we realize what it means. The act of realizing what something means is a deciding action; we decide our interpretation of the cognitive act is true. The act of deciding it is true is a subjective action of comparison; that is we decide our cognitive interpretation is consistent with what we already accept as true of reality.


The interpretative thought that occurs with observation and the meaning of what was observed can only be accepted as truth, if it is consistent with reality, ie; the thought resonates with all we presently think is real or true of reality.

Subjectively, recognition and realization are one and the same

To ourselves as the observer making cognitive actions, Subjectively, all cognitive action occurs in ONE and the same observing EVENT within a single moment point (NOW) and do NOT exist separate from the event we are conscious of.

In observing, we observe an event, recognize it and realize it all in one and the same moment, all together these are the hallmarks of consciousness. Seth calls this the Spacious Present and tells us that within the fuller reality of our subjective selves, there are no moments of time marching forth in linear fashion emerging from infinity and stretching forth into infinity.  The appearance of time is a mental construct only valid within the confines of the mental construction. But even within the confines of a the mental construction we call objective reality, it only has realistic meaning when we limit our scope of observation to a finite number of such moments. Only then do moments arranged in linear fashion logically fit. Only when we limit our observations to a finite number of them can we contemplate that they contain objectified events with component parts occurring in cause and effect, predecessor and successor relationships.

It is only by psychological construction that we can create objects and place them into relationships as pre-decesors, cesors and suc-cesors. And, Only by limiting the thoughts we allow ourselves to consider (focused attention consciousness)  can we rationally consider our march of moments as realistic. We  accept such ideas as having realistic substance only because we do NOT reflect upon the paradoxical impossibility for an infinity of new moments to contain an ultimate first moment and ultimate last moment that such a predecessor and successor relationship of ever new moments require by definition. Time truly is an illusion and from this recognition, we should easily realize pre-decesors moments and successors moments must be also.

Objectively however, we do exist within a time space reality where moments of time precede and succeed each other through for an eternity of moments. Possibly if we allow the re-use of moment points, we can we conceive a realistic loop model with moments of time marching forth in linear fashion but looping back upon itself giving the illusion of eternity and moments within infinity.

Possibly then, our physical reality is actually an infinite loop of mentally constructed linear moments all existing within the single moment point of our subjective now and Seth’s spacious present. Each realization only appears separate because we objectify the process and recognize the series of cognitions and decisions as being separate while insisting that realization only occurs after a  decision is concluded. We do this for purposes of objectification or objective expression, we do NOT experience this as such subjectively.

Subjectively, All are the same, the initial observed event, the recognition that an observation was made, the decision that it was consistent with prior reality, and the realization that the thought observed was real.

They all occur in the moment point of our becoming conscious. We become conscious when we decide to limit our conscious awareness and declare there is an encapsulating boundary that divides that which is self from that which is non-self.  The event or attempt at encapsulating and recognizing that what we decide is our self creates individual personality and our personal reality.

Separate only in objective constructions

We must objectify in order to communicate objectively. It is impossible to express an observation or any subjective experience for that matter without using the objective form because the very definition of expression is to push something out which necessitates an object form from which to push an expression.

On the other hand, within the subjective form, one merely needs a desire to know something and the knowing, idea or concept is attracted and received as is commonly experienced by all beings that attempt to think and succeed at recognizing thought.

Expression is a push action and follows a subjective mental objectification by an expressor or communicator.

Knowing is a pull action that requires only an initial subjective mental desiring, requesting, and attracting action followed by recognition of what is received.

In actuality, both actions described above are the same to the point where the mental action creates its object construction. Yet even after objective constructions are made, any and every observation of those objective constructions must likewise be observed and interpreted subjectively. A subjective act must occur and re-occur with every desire for interpretation that employs another objective expression in the process.

Objectively, we separate the objective terms recognition, decision and realization by way of mental re-constructions for purposes of greater analysis and understanding. We also enforce use of objective form in order to limit statements about reality to objective reality.

Science abhors the personal subjective perspective. To meet the definition of a scientific finding,  findings must first be expressed as proposed to peers for review. A finding or discovery can not be accepted as real unless it can be expressed in a form that can be similarly reproduced and confirmed by others.

The requirement for expression and reproduction severely limits what can be considered as scientific fact. The irony of the scientific approach is: while science says only they have an acceptable approach for understanding reality, by their artificially limiting reality to what can be expressed, they reject all interpretation of their expressed findings for such interpretations are subjective.

Again, it is only for purposes of greater understanding that we try to objectify the cognitive event into an objective mental construction where we attempt to mentally separate the subjective action into two objective events and try to place ourselves into the position of being an outside observer.

Quite the gymnastics, but we’ve found it is impossible to otherwise express the subjective action of cognitive realization without employing use of objects. To share with others requires expression. To express requires objectification. Objectification requires separation of the created from the consciousness of being.

Creation of the Universe

Bring in a few yottabytes of individual cooperative units of consciousness (CU’s) seeking to understand our objective expressions and we soon find we with them have created a consensus (a psychological gestalt) called your self in physical body form, mass consciousness and all of physical reality we mentally imagined of our contemplated consciousness.

Energy Vibration 

All is energy. Certainly energy of greater intensity is more easily sensed than of lesser intensity. It appears thoughts are like energy that can be felt to greater or lesser degrees of intensity. I’ve concluded that each belief thought and idea is energy and that each idea vibrates at it’s own frequency and can be sensed.

“Emotions also are electrically coded, and also have an independent electrical reality. On a physical level they are both chemical and electrical. The validity and strength of emotions can not be overestimated, for they represent in only slightly tinged form the un-camouflaged vitality of the universe as it passes through the inner self. Emotions represent, therefore, this vitality before it has been constructed into camouflage. … Emotions are the most vital tools with which you have to work. It is for this reason that you must learn how to use them.” Seth ES3: Session 134, Pg. 269

“I have said that the electrical universe is, again a materialization of a sort of inner vitality, of which everything is composed. This vitality has a reality independent of any and all such materializations … this vitality fills all other forms while it is itself, in your terms formless. … we have already spoken in terms of reality existing by means of intensities.” ES3: Seth Session 135: Pg. 273

It also appears a harmony or resonance of agreement can be sensed between two ideas or beliefs.

Feelings of Resonance

Every realization is a cognitive event of deciding what is true. We decide what is true according or by recognizing a harmony between the new and what we already believe true of reality.  We recognize the harmony of a new idea by feeling or sensing the resonance of vibrations between them. Through the experiencing of many decisive realizations and paying attention or directing of focus upon such, I have realized there are feelings associated with each decision of realization. There is a recognition of harmony, a feeling of resonance that accompanies the decision that an idea is true, believable or a true fact of reality.

If a thought resonates with other thoughts we have of reality, we can feel or sense it is true. It can be said we emotionally sense every thought resonating in phase or in agreement with what we already believe real or not. Those that resonate, are true, those that don’t we reject as untrue and cease believing them true or calling them beliefs.

We call a thought TRUE when we feel it aligns or resonates with all we presently feel real.

Emotions and Expectation

Emotion is the power behind all expectations that affects our experience.

“The receiver will understand and interpret in general the intensity range that he is in the habit of using himself.”  … “Emotions also possess an electrical reality”
ES3: Session 136, Pg 280

What is emotion and what increases the intensity we feel for one realization over another? Why do some observations bring great emotional intensity and others little? I’ve thought a lot on these and found many clues in various places to help me understand belief, faith and the emotion of expectations behind experience.

While the intensity of an idea can be thought of in terms of the “certainty” of our position that such an idea is true, there is much more to emotion than mere certainty of alignment with all we hold true. Take for example the receiving of a phone call from the other side of the world (China in my instance).

A fellow that I’ve never met calls and assures me he will never talk to me again.  I don’t experience much intensity of emotion with receiving the call, yet I am certain he will not call again and that he factually exists there in China and is talking to me.

But let that call be from my most precious lover informing me that she will never talk with me again, and I experience a VERY INTENSE emotional reaction even though I am just as certain she will not call again and that she factually exists there talking to me.

I posit it is the belief of value I hold for the relationship that is being confirmed severed that causes the difference in emotional response. The value I hold for the relationship is in direct proportion to the magnitude of my desire to be in that relationship. Values reflect degrees of desire or a ranking of all my discerned preferences.  The greater the value of a discerned preference and the certainty of it being affected by a new realization determines the intensity felt with each realization.

In essence, emotional sensings are always showing us the harmony between our belief that an effect is certain and the value we hold for what the new belief affects. I refer to these two beliefs as:

Desire Belief
Certainty of imminent possession or change of possession as the case may be.

Resonance or Vibrational Attraction and Emotion

If one is searching to understand one finds  (Seek and you shall find).
However, when the intensity of desire to understand something is not very great, we can read the most profound discourse and not see anything special.
We find the gems of Seth directly proportional to our interest and desires to understand any particular subject Seth happens to touch upon.
Fact is, Seth constantly provides the most subtle of clues and insights in one or two sentences of sub-context right in the middle of a major context and if we are NOT already searching to understand the allusions of the sub-context theme, we completely miss it. Like failing to see the forest for all the trees we are reading about. Or seeing the forest and failing to see the individual trees.
I enjoy recalling the old superman movie where Lux Luther is speaking to his side-kick and makes the most profound statement: Some people can read War and Peace and think it is just an interesting novel. Others can read the ingredients on a 1 cent gum wrapper and find the mysteries of the universe. It all depends upon what you’re looking for when you observe.

Emotion is an indicator of intensity. When that interest is weak, it doesn’t resonate or draw much to it. Just as tuning fork can cause certain crystals to resonate depending upon intensity introduced by striking the fork, I find intense interest (just another word for desire) drives a resonating vibration in compatible materials (or in other words, we find resonance and energizing of cooperative materials within our subjective and physical universe when desire and interest are at sufficient levels of intensity).

When energy is applied to a pot on the stove, the water molecules vibrate and changes occur that can be observed, perceived or experienced. Yet a still standing uninteresting pot doesn’t seem to show or attract any observation let alone much of an experience until it gets heated up according to your interest and desire for boiling the water within it.

While Emotion is absolutely affected by desire and without it there is little noticed, observed or experienced. If we see our desired “Precious” belief as related to our 2nd belief of imminent possession (About to happen or change, or threatening to happen or change), we find: what were mere beliefs of desires can become volcanos of emotion ranging from anger and rage to excited ecstasy. It is only when we conclude it is hopeless to change that we believe we are about to lose our most valued precious that we find ourselves in the emotion of deepest depression and despair.

Ecstasy is associated with the certainty of gaining possession to one’s precious desired. The opposite end of the emotional spectrum is experienced when a threat of loss to our precious is imminently expected.

High emotions always brings about violent changes into our experience. Not all violence is bad. Violent reactions make changes occur.

While emotion always show us what we believe, emotional expectation is the driving force behind all we find and experience in our lives. Our emotions show us what we’re creating to experience. They can be manipulated to our advantage by understanding how we create them and that part they play with expectation so we can deliberately associate them with the beliefs we desire and perish the thoughts of those we do not.

In my next blog, I’d like to show more on the role of emotion and expectation in experience.

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