Eye of the Beholder

Like beauty, experience reflects belief through the eyes of the beholder.

We create our own realities. That means what so ever we experience in reality, we create.

It helps to once and for all decide to accept that there is NO full reality “Out There”. Our Fuller reality is inside the self being you are. Our ordinary apparent realities are actually mental constructs clothed in the latest camouflage. They only appear real and are because we believe they ARE. Yet there is a greater reality from which we create the apparent one.
We project what we experience as “Out There” from “inside”. Our “experienced” reality is first psychologically created before it is sensually perceived.
If we experience a death in physical reality, it has to have first been psychologically constructed before it can be sensually perceived as a physical experience.
On several levels, there is some truth in the old saying: “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”.
In the physical we can conceive thoughts of mayhem. They do not cause hurt till acted out physically. However, we know metaphysically, all physical actions begin with psychological intentions that are carried out or manifest into physical action. Those acted upon intentions hurt us and others. In our physical reality, the words or thoughts of intention DO hurt another when those words or thoughts of intentions manifest into action.
Yet there is another level to our fuller metaphysical beings. From the view of our subjective reality which creates our physical reality, words or thoughts of intention do NOT hurt individual characters we play with mentally or psychologically. Within our fuller subjective reality, what happens in the physical is only a projection, a play, an enactment. Once the enactment is over the real players return to being their true characters unscathed. For our true beings, life goes on unaffected by our enactments and projections played out in the arena of the physical. Except for the psychological or mental aspects created or understood from the play, the characters are unaffected.
Conceiving a mental construction in our subjective reality does NOT affect what we are able to project into future thoughts. We can be back to fight another battle, if battles are what we like to play today. We can NOT change  or annihilate our loved ones with a mental construct. We can NEVER annihilate another nor ourselves within the fuller inner reality where we have our true beings.
Others join with us in our inner realities and we make plans for what we’ll play next in our camouflage reality. But, what ever happens to either of us in the projected reality, it does NOT affect an annihilation in our truer fuller reality. In fact, a beloved partner, today playing the son cast aside or killed in todays game continues to participate with us and play our next exploratory adventure.
Recognizing brutal deaths are difficult to understand from the limited perspective of physical reality, I believe Rick our class moderator took the prudent way out. It is better to give a partial answer touching upon side issues than to disturb others with such a sensitive question when a direct reply hasn’t sufficient time for illumination.
We’ve barely had time to touch upon the nature of our multidimensional beings and our eternal validity.
We haven’t had time to understand “Value Fulfillment” and the nature of our souls discovering the same from ordinary unpleasant and horrible experiences in camouflage reality.
We haven’t have time to go into the possible why’s of horrible experiences. These are what I believe Rick was referring to when he said it is complicated.
We haven’t have time to go into an understanding of guilt, for there certainly should be NO guilt associated with a camouflage experience.
Until you can separate and understand those, prudence dictates we take side steps and leave some questions looming.
I recommend firmly accepting that you create your own reality. And that means what you experience within it. It also means the perception you have of how others see you and how they interact with you or do the things they do to you.
Seek to understand action, value fulfillment and guilt before trying to answer the questions as to why bad things happen to good people, innocent children and babies. The governing principles are soon up coming in NPR.
We can NOT affect others in THEIR perceptions of their reality. For as with all of us, perceptions are directly subject to our beliefs. Like beauty, experience reflects belief in the eyes of the beholder.
We just have to believeit to realizeit.

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