The Subjective Mind

Sterling A wrote:  the Mind is an epiphenomena of Consciousness.

I like that. Yet are we talking of your consciousness or the minds’ consciousness. If the mind’s consciousness, then are you the possessor of that mind? If mind is a possession, then what is the possessor that is conscious of possessing the conscious mind?

If the mind is what is conscious, is the self the mind?  What are we if not the mind that is conscious? If we’re the observer which is conscious, what is it that we are conscious of? Self or non-self? Sense or non-sense? Is self sense? If so, what is non-self but pure non-sense?

I believe we struggle with identifying these answers because we are attempting to objectively describe that which only exists subjectively. One can not objectively describe beauty except by inference and reflection. Yet every school boy knows he is not the reflection he sees in the mirror. Just as Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, that which is subjectively experienced is known only to the beholder and even that which is expressed objectively must be subjectively interpreted before communication is complete.

Communication must go from a communicators subjective knowing to being translated or mentally constructed into objective symbolism by the communicator before being brought back through subjective interpretation to become meaning for a recipient.

All children have played the game where we laugh to see how far a simple phrase is changed by the time it passes through 6 or 8 persons. Imagine how much more each of us discern as variations of meaning, interpretation and insight when we create our myriad of analogies, objective symbols and variations of perspective in expressing our subjective selves into our objective realities.

We must objectify to identify

With any subject event whether you decide to take one perspective or another, you must first mentally objectify the event before you can construct a perspective.

All perceptions of reality represent associative identification with the camouflage of which the particular reality is constructed.

The self has no boundaries, the Self is NOT limited. Consciousness is the direction in which the self looks – ES-162 pg87&90; ES-94 pg51

Whether you objectify with mathematical symbols or word symbols, your whole self will never be fully expressed in object form and certainly never fully expressed in our physical object oriented every day reality. But this too is to our advantage as with each imperfect replication we introduce variation and new perspectives for discovery of value enhancing fulfillment.

I am reminded of expansion and contraction of the mental enclosures and capsule comprehension Seth speaks of along with the dilemma of identities Early Sessions – 60,93,121,133,137,138

Before the fuller self, that has being in subjective reality, can express any subjective event, or its psychological interpretation, that self must first mentally construct or objectively form that which will express or reflect it. Simply put, our physical reality is a mental construct; a construct of a subjective observer observing its observation.

Alas and unfortunately, I have once again been forced to use objectification to explain and identify consciousness. Above,I constructed multiple objects in relationship seeking to explain and understand. I made that which was conscious into an observer acting upon a 2nd observed object when in actuality they are one and the same. Kind of like the snake attempting to swallow it’s tail, the creationist seeking a first cause or the logician trying to prove the chicken came before the egg.

But! be of good cheer, we experience subject reality everyday in its unadulterated form (oops used an object again).  While actually, if you’ll accept it, we don’t experience objective reality objectively, we experience the insights of objective reality subjectively. In fact, our fuller being and even our ego self ONLY experiences what it experiences subjectively. Fortunately, we are already subjective beings pretty good at abiding in the fuller subjective reality that is never but incompletely expressed in physical reality.

So, while our everyday reality experiences are subjective ones, we only experience the difficulty of limitation when we try to describe, analyze, identify or express the same objectively as in writing on this forum or in communicating with one another.

On the other hand the joyful experience of value fulfilling vitality does NOT need to be objectively expressed to be actualized. You are an eternal multi-dimensional being, a soul eternally valid and possessing a vibrant vitality ever increasing in terms of growth and value fulfillment.

Fact is, our difficulty with objective reality is that we must assert artificial limitations in order to comprehend or bring the psychological event within the circumference or confines of object associative understanding.

I posit we must simply accept that we will NEVER fully comprehend who and what you are, for to do so is like the illusive goal of perfection.  Perfection, if it could be actually achieved, would have to be attained the cost of your being halted into a stagnant state that most would associate with damnation and death.

If there is any fault or area for improvement in these regards, it is in believing that WE can be fully comprehended or expressed symbolically. In actuality, there is NO symbol that encapsulates, encompasses, fully comprehends or expresses all of your being.

If we can’t describe our subjective interactions with objects we call experience, how can we ever expect to fully describe our ‘I am’ subject being.

This being that we are will be forever added unto as it explores each variation of creative reality. The sands of today’s sea, and the stars of all skies are still limited in comparison to the possibilities for value fulfilling expansion achievable in the ever expanding search to identify and know this being we call self.

What do we know of self

What do we know of self? We know that we are able to construct different perspectives of observation by identifying beliefs and then realizing they are true of reality (the mental constructs we’ve previously created as true of, congruent to, or consistent with what we’ve previously decided true of reality).

We expand reality every time we create a belief that is consistent with what we already believed true of reality. From such we have new camouflage, symbols or objects to realize or experience our subjective reality.

If you think it is hard to create new beliefs, just watch how many times you say any of the following phrases. With each realization you are expanding your reality; you are forming new beliefs with every realization. Beliefs define reality.
When you realize something, you have decided that something is true; a true idea or belief.
We realize these things every day. With each new realization, reality is enlarged.
You certainly did it at one time or another while reading today.

Some Reality Expanding phrases that come to mind:

  • It is true! …
  • In fact …
  • In actuality …
  • I realize …
  • No! it really isn’t so …
  • Yes, that’s true
  • It just dawned on me …
  • That’s NOT so …
  • It is just that …
  • Actually, I even know …
  • Really …
  • Truly …
  • I agree …

So, if you can identify what your thoughts are whenever you hear yourself using one of these phrases, you will realize that you define and expand your reality adopting new beliefs all the time.

So to the question: how does one get themselves to believe something that they do NOT believe is consistent with reality. … the short Answer is: one can’t!
It’s not possible, it’s the wrong question.

Rather you must ask, how do I believe what I want is consistent with what I already believe.

With every one of our present beliefs, we found sufficient supportive references that we were able to conclude the idea was true or consistent with what we already believed of reality. Upon the conclusion of sufficient supporting references, we usually express one of the phrases mentioned above.

It is NO different with forming ANY new belief. Identify with how you form each of the dozens of new beliefs you notice yourself forming each day, and you’ll see that all are formed in the same manner. New supportive beliefs behind the great experiences you desire will be no different.

More than one way

Now, if you find it difficult finding references consistent with current beliefs sufficient to support the conclusion of a new desired belief, there is more than one way to support that conclusion.

1. Veracity: The most obvious is how we most commonly form new beliefs. We form them by directly looking for supporting references that at some degree of sufficiency we decide we are able to confidently conclude the idea as true, Ie;
We verify it by objective observation!

While that is true of forming most common beliefs, Good luck with that on many of the less common ideas you desire to believe. Many beliefs are like believing a stove will make you warm before you believe applying wood and fire inside a stove will release heat during combustion. You must first understand and believe in fire and combustion before you can believe in the stove giving you warmth.

So how do we do support a conclusion that we believe an idea we desire to believe, if NOT by first observing it true to present reality?

You can change your present beliefs indirectly and by inference so that from an expanded perspective, you are able to believe the desired idea is true even if never observed before. You can believe a stove will make you warm, even if you’ve never seen a heat generating stove.

  • Change your present reality sufficiently and many previously unsupportable ideas find a preponderance of new referential support. You can conclude new beliefs even if the exact thing you desire to believe has never been observed, verified, seen or proven before.
  • By expanding our understanding of fire and fuel, we can conclude by inference that a stove will give off heat, if fire is applied to wood (a form of fuel) contained within the stove.
  • Even if you find no other references to a wood burning stove giving off heat, you are able to believe it true that a stove supplied with wood and fire would warm your home once you understand and accept as true the fuller reality of combustible fuels.

This is what we get with the Seth material. We have been given an understanding of a fuller reality that alters our beliefs and changes how we experience being in the process.

  • We form and accept new beliefs as we discover support for forming the conclusions a desired new belief is consistent with what we NOW believe true of reality.
  • By accepting the truths of our fuller reality, we are able to conclude by inference that we have supporting references sufficient to conclude realization and acceptance of new truths without needing the same to be physically or objectively observed.

In actuality, to benefit from the Seth material, you must realize that:

What is ACTUALLY true of your fuller reality, is greater that what is seen in the physical. Our fuller reality is NOT first seen in the physical and then subjectively known, but our fuller reality is first formed subjectively within your ‘I am’ being before it is manifestly observed in physical.

  • We create our realities according to what we believe. There is no other way!
  • To create a belief, we need only truthfully conclude an idea is consistent what we already believe of reality to make that new idea a belief.
  • At the realization of a new conclusion one finds a new belief!
  • From a search for supportive references one finds discoveries of the same. It is the discovery of supporting references that allows one to arrive at the conclusion and realization of new beliefs and expanded reality. There is NO OTHER way!
  • Only what you decide or intend to seek for observation, determines the limits to which conclusions you can belief and the quality of events you can experience.

Expand your reality to realize it is the fuller subjective reality that is expressed in our objective everyday reality and the realization of new beliefs will be given sufficient metaphysical substance that you can conclude them consistent with or true of reality.

What can you NOT believe if you believe the following:
There is no effect in the exterior world that does not spring from an inner source. There is no motion that does not first occur within the mind.” NPR

Now that’s something to think about.

– Believeit 2 Realizeit

Additional Study: Listen to Seth-SS-Ch05 – How thoughts form matter – Coordination Points

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