If it feels bad – Stop it!

I said: it is up to us whether we use those desires to improve our life experience or get trapped in the noticing of the details that birthed those desires.

I am asked: why is it I contrast following desires to improve life with being trapped, when we continue to notice details we want improved?

It is because we were created to learn, to be fulfilled in finding value, adding value and expanding all that we are and do in the process. 

It is our very nature.  It is so in our nature that we feel bad when we see ourselves helpless in it and we feel near ecstasy when we expect and see ourselves adding or fulfilling value to our experience.

By the way, this nature of suffering or feeling pain when we see ourselves as not achieving value fulfillment is the reason the Buddhist declared desire as the root of suffering. 

Yet suffering does NOT result from having desire. Suffering is our feed back reminding us that we are holding thoughts contradicting the creative forces we put into motion when we identified the preference perspective for bringing value improvement to our lives.  

The emotions of Pain and pleasure are communication from our holy spirit. They are experienced ONLY to guide us into harmony with the creations of “All that is”.  

We MUST get in line with the forces we release, with our desires, with the things we ask for,  or we’ll feel emotional pain every time we behold a disharmonous thought afterward. If we hadn’t identified a preference in regard to something we valued, we would feel no pain imagining ourselves without it.  But once we identify a desire, something we want relationship with, we are reminded anytime we turn to think upon it.  We’re reminded whether we are thinking in agreement with or opposed to the creative forces at work bringing them into being.

Our emotions at all times are communications telling us that we are holding a perspective in agreement or contrary to what has been previously decided and believed valuable and important to our personal value fulfillment.

So, not only must you bring your imagination to focus on your identified preferenced desires. But if you do, you will be rewarded by good feelings. On the other hand, if you choose to continue focusing on the unwanted contrasting events that caused your desire identification; focusing on what you want changed, you’ll be reminded with bad feeling emotions.  Bad feeling tell you you’re focused and seeing yourself in relationship contrary to the objective relationship you desire.

If it feels bad – stop it!    Believe It!  Realize It!

The good thing is: “All that Is” is at work bringing all cooperative components together; bringing the object improvements you’ve identified into your experienced reality.  We just have to become willing and cooperative components by realizing:  What soever you identify as desireable you have asked for it … and we know from that first thought, it IS now eternally in existence. It already exists created within the realm of “all that is” and we know it is just a matter time before our object oriented senses observe it from our time space perspective.

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