Monthly Archives: July 2016

Questions for the Soul

I am delighted to find anyone that thinks in their interpretation of Seth material that they are receiving inner sensings of Seth’s thoughts.
Although I know Seth stated that he would only expressly work through Jane, I also feel any of us can tap into any thoughts that have been released into the universe of all that is (Including Seth’s thoughts just like Jane did with William James).
I do not feel that any of us (even Seth) can actually express ideas or thoughts into another’s reality.

and then my friend writes:

“even though personally I am delighted to find anyone that thinks in their interpretation of Seth material that they are receiving inner sensings of Seth’s thoughts. ”
That´s fine for me, Michael. What I do not accept as authentic inner sensing are those who in one way or another try to make an intellectual remix or a remake by inventing stories and simply rearranging new age and traditional philosophy concepts. All of the authors of that kind I have read contradicted themselves sooner or later in their basic concepts.

… I am not talking about Seth based ideas. I am talking about attempts to reestablish traditional concepts. About trying to turn back the clock. Also I am not talking about seeming contradictions. I am talking about contradictions.
Here is an example: Tolle speaks of a “pain body” which is a field of **past** human pain.  “Whatever way it manifests its not pleasant its painful its past pain but very much alive still.”


“…but I assure you that it is an insubstantial phantom that cannot prevail against the **power of your presence**.”
To be strict this makes no sense. If the power is in the present it is **not** in the past. Or vice versa.

If the power is in the present the “pain body” has no effect at all. It only would have an effect if the power were in the past.

The method Tolle uses here to confuse others and maybe even himself: He declares “past pain” to be alive. But if it is alive it is present pain. I mean, he says the pain is present, when he says it is alive. Something alive is present.

But I do not believe it is my field of duty to disassemble Tolle´s concepts. However I didn´t mean seeming contradictions. I meant obvious misconceptions.

Also I do not think it is really helpful to tell people they are victims of their past.

“The Pain body comes up and at that moment you will recognize it as the Pain Body. That is the Beginning of Freedom from it. The recognition, when it comes, slight trigger, provocation, even a thought, deep Pain arises, in whatever form, in some people it is a very active pain, active aggressive pain, in other persons it is a Passive form of Pain, “poor little me” victim pain, does not matter which, pain bodies have different qualities in different people.” same source as above

So what he does here is offering a list of negative beliefs to his readers. If they accept to share these, they will, according to what Seth says, get the results. That is, experience the symptoms described. You get what you concentrate on. Deep pain.

Trying to reconcile the positions? “A tolerance of differences IS a good foundation for building.” Not always.

Michael, I am aware you did not aim on what I was referring to. But in my first post I meant what I was talking about here now, as an example. So this is just for the sake of clarification of what I was speaking about.

I think:

Remember my questions of last week and your No & No responses.
Continuing in that context with addition of this latest thread …

I believe we create our own realities, especially those interactions we have with those seeming to be close by, communicating with us and soliciting or eliciting emotional responses from us.
I know with each and every close encounter and apparent expression seemingly expressed toward me, I am in actuality viewing a personal primary construction
tailored by myself,
for myself ,
and to myself
(even though I take intuited sensings from you as to what we agree would best be your expression [a secondary construction] ).
Therefore I know there is always a specific value fulfilling reason why I construct you taking or presenting your position and precise words I seemingly hear you express towards me.
Therefore every encounter begins a quest and as every quest begins with a question or questions, They are:

  • Why would I give this to myself, and …
  • Why does it affect emotionally me as it does, and …
    Since I believe emotions reveal a contrast between a value belief with a expectation belief:
  • What is the value belief involved?
  • What is the expectation belief involved?
  • Can either of those be recognized as faulty or limiting?
  • What do I discern a preference (desire) for?
  • Do any of the above beliefs need to be diminished, and discarded or reinforced, strengthened and affirmed or established as my new found truth (specification of reality)?Now I am referring to Tolle’s writings as much as to our interactions. To me it seems those Tolle’s statements stimulate NO emotional reaction. His remarks are so obviously untrue to (incongruent with) my specification of reality, I discern NO value and I discern NO threat (expectation) from it.
    Maybe this interaction was to communicate why I perceive no threat from including post-1984 Jane wan-a-be Seth channelers in a Seth collection when clearly identified as being questionable.
    But if I had an emotional response, I’d be asking:
    What do I believe about Tolle’s mis-statements that cause such a reaction? After all, it’s all about me! Or You, if you’re reading this within your own personal construction of reality.

Supporting References:

“It is the viewpoint of reality that you have presently adapted, and as such it is purposely not only valid but important to you. You have adapted it for a reason. From your particular viewpoint at this moment you will learn certain things that you think you could learn in no other way.” ECS4-1971-1228 Pg 177-178.

… “You realize that nothing happens in this class that you do not want to happen. That no impetus arises that does not come from you. I do not say, ‘Aha, my friends need to know this and so I will stuff it down their throats.’ The impetus comes from you and therefore what happened last week came from you.” ECS4-1971-1228 Pg 179

… “I bid you all now a fond good evening and I ask you to be adventurous, to be spontaneous, to follow the ways of your own consciousness. I cannot follow the ways of your own consciousness. Only you can travel that route, for there is no other consciousness like your own, and no one can understand the truths as you can understand them, and in understanding them you create new truths. Truths are not done and finished. They are like the flowers that eternally grow.”
ECS4-1971-1228 Pg 187

IV. Alleged Post-1984 Communications from Seth and Jane

These works are listed for the sake of completeness, but readers should be aware that none of this material has been endorsed by Robert Butts, and they should use caution when evaluating it.